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Carmela Garcia


  • Collaborate with Stony Point Men’s Soccer Head Coach to outline budget, priorities, and goals for club year.

  • Preside over all Booster Club and Board meetings

  • Appoint all Chairpersons of Standing Committees, Special Committees, and fill all vacancies that occur during the club year.

  • Supervise all activities of Booster Club, including determining meeting schedule and calling emergency meetings, if necessary.

  • Collaborate with Coach on organization and needs of Summer Soccer Camp

Vice-President, Membership & Volunteers:
Carmela Garcia


  • Assist the President in any Club-related activity

  • Oversee the membership of the Club which includes organizing a membership committee and recruiting new members to the Stony Point Men’s Soccer Booster Club.

  • Reach out to Hopewell Middle School and Hernandez Soccer Programs to coordinate communication to 8th grade parents regarding how to get involved in the Stony Point Men’s Soccer program.

  • Coordinate volunteers (parents and players) to represent Stony Point Men’s Soccer during 8th grade activities & events at Stony Point High School

  • Oversee various volunteer committees, including but not limited to the Team Dinners and Concessions committee. 

    • The Concessions committee will organize concession stand sign up, ticket sales, and announcer/score board volunteers.

Sara Sawyer


  • Record minutes during all Booster Club and Board meetings

  • File meeting minutes in shared Google Drive folder

  • Advise presiding officers on parliamentary law and matters of procedure, when requested. The secretary should be thoroughly familiar with bylaws and any standing rules of the Board or Booster Club.

  • Collect scholarship applications and initiate scholarship review process with committee.

  • Oversee Scholarship Committee Board Members

  • Board Officers + 2-4 Booster Club Members (paid membership)

  • Must identify criteria and the number of scholarships that will be awarded. Go through the proper channels to give money to school identified by student as attending in the fall.

Erica Salgado


  • The Parliamentarian is to advise the presiding officer on parliamentary law and matters of procedure when requested.  The Parliamentarian should be thoroughly familiar with bylaws and any standing rules of the Stony Point Men’s Soccer Booster Club.

  • Perform the duties and responsibilities as chairperson or member for one or more committees within the Men’s Soccer Booster Club.

  • Keep a current copy of the By-laws, and ensure that all rules, policies, and/or guidelines are implemented, and abided by, without wavering from the original intent of its inception.

  • In partnership with any chairpersons assignment(s), provide support with any fundraising activities, and/or events, and those efforts required to facilitate.

  • Prepare a set of operating procedures, pertaining to this specific office. The operating procedures will be passed on to the newly elected Parliamentarian after the adjourned final meeting in May.

Vice-President, Fundraising:
Diane Alvarez


  • Preside over meetings the President cannot attend.

  • Assist the President in any Club-related activity

  • Oversee fundraising activities, including organizing the fundraising committee

  • Oversee the organization of the end of year Men’s Soccer Banquet. 

  • Responsible for organizing Club activities to participate in the annual August Meet the Tiger event.

Vice-President, Merchandise:
Sandra Macias


  • Assist the President in any Club-related activity

  • Oversee the organization of selling Stony Point Men’s Soccer merchandise and spirit wear. Responsible for negotiation of merchandise cost to ensure the Club receives a healthy net profit on merchandise sales. Responsible for ensuring any merchandise delivered to Club is organized and distributed to parents who purchased items.

  • Responsible for accurate record keeping for spirit wear inventory, cost, parent price, net profit. Reports on spirit wear inventory at each booster club meeting.

  • Oversee the production and purchase or Men’s Soccer Game Programs. Collaborate with VP, Fundraising to ensure local company sponsors are included in Game Program

Kate Cubillan


  • Custodian of the Club funds and assets.

  • Co-sign checks and make necessary disbursements of funds approved by Board.

  • Receive all dues, fees, and monies for the Club

  • Keep record of receipts and expenditures, render a statement of account at each Board meeting, and make them available to Board members.

  • Ensure that financial information, including fundraiser summaries, and any other information needed for federal, state, or local taxes is   documented and provided to necessary parties.

  • Organize logistical activities to support soccer tournaments.

Webmaster / Communications Chair: 
Carmela Garcia


  • Manage and update Stony Point Men’s Soccer Booster Club website.

  • Ensure domain registration and site subscription are paid and submitted to the Treasurer once a year.

  • Manage Booster Club social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook Page, and Instagram) to promote activities, fundraising efforts, and membership.

  • Plan and distribute regular Booster Club email communications promoting upcoming activities, fundraising efforts, membership, and upcoming meetings.

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